
Advancing Europe's defences in cyberspace

Cyberspace is a new frontier in strategic competition and military confrontation. It is both an enabler and a threat to national security. The European defence and security industry is uniquely positioned to develop trusted, state-of-the-art cybersecurity and cyber defence technologies that are needed for the protection of Europe’s most strategic sectors and to ensure operational superiority of armed forces in cyberspace.

ASD is a trusted interlocutor for European institutions and agencies working on cyber issues such as the European Union Agency for Cybersecurity (ENISA). ASD is committed to promoting the development of cutting-edge cybersecurity and cyber defence technologies that are essential for the protection of Europe’s critical infrastructure and the safety of its citizens.

ASD is dedicated to advancing the interests of the European defence and security industry by providing a platform for collaboration and innovation. We work closely with our members to identify emerging trends and technologies in the field of cybersecurity and cyber defence, and to develop strategies for addressing the challenges of the future.

Our mission is to ensure that Europe remains at the forefront of cybersecurity and cyber defence, and that our armed forces have the tools and technologies they need. We believe that by working together, we can create a safer and more secure future for all Europeans.

Cybersecurity is crucial for addressing the challenges of Europe’s digital transformation. The European aerospace, security and defence ecosystem is a key provider of the cyber solutions needed to protect Europe in an age of intensifying geopolitical competition.

Christine Skropke