Chemicals & hazardous materials

Balancing safety and sustainability

Chemicals are essential for aerospace and defence products. They are also an integral part of our aspiration to make our sector more sustainable – for instance, the development and deployment of sustainable aviation fuels, both in the civil and military domain, would be impossible without the necessary chemicals.

Our industry is aware of the possibly harmful impact of some substances in industrial processes and final products – and reduces them as much as possible in full compliance with national and EU regulations. Nevertheless, the specificities of our sector need to be considered in the restriction of certain substances to ensure they do not crucially limit the availability of vital components, restrict production processes and thus endanger the viability of our industry.

What is ASD doing?

To raise awareness about the possible negative impact of regulations and restrictions on our industry, ASD is in constant and close dialogue with EU stakeholders such as the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA), especially via the ASD REACH & Chemicals Management Working Group.

Chemicals are essential for modern industrial processes and products, especially with a view to innovations that make these more sustainable. 

Jan Pie