Climate neutral aviation

Net zero emissions by 2050

Europe’s aviation sector is committed to reach net-zero carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions by 2050. This plan – known as Destination 2050 – commits to net-zero emissions from all flights within and departing from the EU, UK, and EFTA regions by 2050.

This roadmap is not just a vision but comes with concrete steps to achieve a substantial reduction in CO2 emissions. It rests on four key areas:

  1. Technological advancements: developing more efficient aircraft and engines.
  2. Sustainable aviation fuels (SAFs): using sustainable aviation fuels to cut down emissions.
  3. Economic measures: implementing economic strategies.
  4. Air traffic management: enhancing air traffic management and aircraft operations to improve fuel efficiency.
Sustainable aircraft fuel

A combination of four key measures could achieve substantial CO2 emission reductions. By the year 2050, these reductions are projected to be:

  • -37 %

    Improvements in aircraft and engine technologies

  • -34 %

    Using sustainable aviation fuels (SAFs)

  • -8 %

    Implementing economic measures

  • -6 %

    Improvements in air traffic management (ATM) and aircraft operations

The role of governments and industry 

Achieving this vision is not a task for the aviation sector alone. It requires concerted efforts from both governments and industry stakeholders. Governments will need to create policies that encourage green innovations and reduce investment risks. And industry must commit to investing in decarbonisation and innovation, embracing necessary operational transitions to meet the set goals.

Destination 2050 and growth

The Destination 2050 initiative doesn't compromise on growth. The sector anticipates a steady growth rate of about 1.4% per year in European air passenger numbers from 2018 to 2050. This means that while working towards a greener future, the industry also envisages a scenario where more people will be flying.

Flying is essential to connect people and goods worldwide. Therefore, downsizing air transport per se can never be the solution. What matters is the reduction of aviation’s carbon-footprint – and this is what the European aeronautics industry is successfully working on.

Vincent De Vroey, ASD Civil Aviation Director

Destination 2050 is a collaborative effort of European aviation associations, showcasing a united front in the fight against climate change. It is the first of its kind, presenting a long-term vision with practical solutions to the complex challenge of reducing CO2 emissions from commercial flights. 

The industry is calling on the EU to provide the necessary policy and regulatory framework to make net zero European aviation by 2050 a reality.

What is ASD doing?

  • Destination 2050
    We're continuing to promote the Destination 2050 initiative to produce an updated roadmap by summer 2024 with recommendations for the new mandate of EU institutions.
  • Global ICAO environmental standards
    We are involved in the global ICAO environmental work (in particular in the field of dual noise-CO2 stringency and SAF) through ICCAIA, ATAG and the ICAO Committee on Aviation Environmental Protection (CAEP).
  • Non-CO2 effects of climate change
    ASD is working to influence the European and global debate on the emerging issue of aviation non-CO2 effects of climate change, ensuring that decisions are based on solid science and that foreseen regulatory instruments are enforceable.
  • Sustainable aviation fuels (SAF)
    We continue working to help create a European framework that promotes the use and production of SAF in Europe, and in particular the adoption of the RefuelEU Aviation regulation.

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