A regulatory framework for sustainability

ASD champions sustainability in European aviation and we advocate for a robust regulatory framework to support it

ASD advocates for a robust regulatory framework to support sustainable practices, and engages closely with key regulatory bodies. In particular, ASD maintains a regular and close engagement with the European Commission, the European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA), public-private partnerships such as the SESAR Joint Undertaking (SESAR JU for the modernisation of the Single European Sky), as well as other national, European and international stakeholders such the International Civil Aviation Organisation (ICAO).

ASD holds the secretariat of the Sky and Space intergroup, a cross-party and cross-nationality informal network of Members of the European Parliament who recognise the critical importance of aviation and space technologies and their impact on Europe’s citizens and economy. The Intergroup serves as a forum where expertise can be shared and legislative work can be advanced on specific topics.

ASD has a number of policy and technical groups that help ensure the sector's growth aligns with sustainability goals and addresses emerging technologies, and works on key issues such as the impact of environmental policies on aviation, and the development of risk-based regulations.

ASD's commitment to sustainability echoes through its support for EU Research Programmes like SESAR2020 and Cleansky2, driving continuous research in enabling technologies for safer, more efficient, and environmentally friendly aviation.

A woman on a mountainside gazes towards the sky, symbolizing a thoughtful perspective on environmental challenges in the aviation sector discussed in the ICAO's Environmental Report

How the aviation sector is tackling environmental challenges

Explore how the aviation sector tackles environmental challenges with insights from ICAO's latest Environmental Report. Discover achievements, challenges, and future outlooks for sustainable air transport.
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ASD Papers

Explore a range of ASD position papers on issues relating to promoting climate neutral aviation