Urban air mobility

Revolutionising city transport

Urban mobility is constantly evolving. Cars, buses, tramways and underground connections transport millions of people within cities and their outskirts. The rise of a third dimension is upon us, promising to revolutionise daily life in our cities. Urban air mobility (UAM) solutions offer a safe, clean, and fast alternative for people in and around cities.

What is ASD doing?

ASD works closely with its members on UAM matters and represents the views and interests of the industry towards EU institutions, EASA, and Eurocontrol. The ASD Unmanned Aerial Systems Working Group gathers high-level experts from across our members to elaborate common positions and coordinate the industry’s view on UAM.

By 2030, 60% of the world's population will be urban and cities’ ground infrastructure becomes increasingly congested. Urban air mobility will provide people with a safe, low-carbon and convenient alternative that leverages the airspace above cities.

Vassilis, Chairman of the ASD Unmanned Aerial Systems Working Group

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about our work with Urban Air Mobility