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Expert working groups

The day-to-day work of ASD is done by working bodies made up of around 800 industry experts, supported by the ASD Secretariat. These working bodies are the engine room for convening the industry to coordinate on common positions, promoting industry interests at European and global levels. Strategically located in the heart of Brussels, the ASD team is responsible for policy and communications work, and maintaining close links with European institutions and international organisations.

ASD’s work is organised into three sector-focused business units (Civil Aviation, Defence, Security), representing the highest decisional working groups for these sectors. And there are four commissions (Environment; Economic, Legal & Trade; Services; and External Affairs) that support the business units on transversal issues.

Business units and transversal commissions set strategies and define objectives, supported by expert working groups that are either permanent or ad-hoc, focusing on specific issues. These groups discuss topics, draft position papers, and make recommendations to EU bodies and other stakeholders, ensuring a unified industry stance.


ASD's approach to defence-related areas is facilitated through working groups and task forces composed of experts, supported by the ASD Secretariat. 

  • The Defence Research Committee, Export Control Committee, European Naval Industry Group, European Land Defence Industry Group, Aircraft Sectoral Group, and Military Air Domain Industrial Group address specific areas of defence, developing policies and recommendations. 
  • The Critical Raw Materials Working Group tackles essential resource issues, advocating for policies to ensure the availability of necessary materials for defence manufacturing. 
  • The Task Force on European Defence Investment Programme works on promoting investment strategies to strengthen defence capabilities.
  • The Task Force Climate and Defence works on the environmental impacts of defence activities. 

These bodies collectively ensure a robust and coherent strategy, aligning ASD’s advocacy initiatives with European and NATO policy processes, and broader contexts. 

Civil Aviation

Made up of industry experts, ASD's Civil Aviation Business Unit plays a pivotal role in shaping the global and European civil aviation landscape by developing strategic policies and advocating for its members' interests. Key to this effort are several specialised working groups and committees, each focused on critical aspects of civil aviation:

  • Air Traffic Management Committee (ATMC): Focuses on unifying industry perspectives and strategies in civil ATM research and initiatives, coordinating with stakeholders like the European Commission, EASA, and EUROCONTROL to enhance European competitiveness and influence regulatory frameworks.
  • Unmanned Aircraft System Traffic Management (UTM) Sub-Group: Represents ASD members in civil UTM research and policy formulation, aiming to foster sector growth, improve competitiveness, and ensure global interoperability of ATM systems.
  • Airworthiness Committee (AWC): Ensures unified views on airworthiness and aviation safety across civil and defence aerospace sectors. It supports high safety standards globally, coordinates with EASA and other authorities, and facilitates collaboration on new technologies and safety standards.
  • Civil Aviation Maintenance, Repair, and Overhaul (MRO) Working Group: Addresses technical and regulatory challenges in the MRO sector, collaborating with EASA and global regulators to harmonise standards, streamline procedures, and reduce audit burdens for member companies.
  • Design Organisation Approval (DOA) Working Group: Coordinates efforts related to DOA regulations, working closely with EASA on rulemaking and engaging with global industry and regulatory bodies to ensure alignment with international standards and practices.
  • Civil Aviation Cyber Security Committee: Ensures effective cybersecurity regulations and standards for the aviation industry within Europe, aiming to optimise costs and procedures while advocating for equal treatment and harmonisation with global cybersecurity frameworks. It serves as the central European forum for cybersecurity issues, producing position papers, coordinating with other ASD bodies, and engaging with relevant stakeholders to promote industry interests.

These groups play a crucial role in developing unified positions, advocating for industry needs, and driving policy that enhances safety, efficiency, and competitiveness in civil aviation.


The ASD Security Business Unit (SBU) works to shape the security landscape of the EU through its advocacy and strategic initiatives. By bringing together industry experts to develop common positions, the SBU engages with EU Commission services to promote initiatives that align with industry interests. In the realm of cybersecurity, the SBU has contributed to the development of the EU cyber technology roadmap and facilitates dialogue between industry and policy stakeholders through high-level forums.

Looking ahead, the SBU is working to secure increased funding for security research in the EU budget for 2028-2035 and continues to advocate for the importance of the security industry in Europe. As a key interlocutor for the EU, the ASD Security Business Unit is committed to advancing strategic priorities in European security.

Standards & specifications

ASD’s Services Commission enhances industry competitiveness through the optimisation of existing frameworks, and the establishment and management of standards for service activities and new concepts. By bringing together industry experts within the Services Commission and its working groups—including the Customer Support Services and Training Operational Group, the Product Services Specification Group, and the Strategic Standards Group – ASD’s Services Commission ensures comprehensive expertise and strategic alignment.

The Services Commission aligns with the policies of ASD's various business units, and engages in robust advocacy with key European stakeholders, including EASA, EDA, EC, and NATO. The Service Commission's initiatives emphasise:

  • improving interoperability across the product lifecycle,
  • fostering seamless data exchange,
  • and supporting digital transformation.

Through collaborations with industry partners, suppliers, and customers, the Services Commission helps ensure the effective information exchange that enables Smart Manufacturing, Digital Twin, Data Analytics, and Cloud usage.

The ASD Services Commission's efforts in standardisation and interoperability contribute significantly to the global adoption of European aerospace and defence standards, ensuring that our industries remain at the forefront of technological innovation and operational excellence.