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Making our industry's voice heard in decision-making

ASD engages actively with key stakeholders such as the European Commission, the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA), the European Union Aviation Safety Agency (EASA), Eurocontrol, and others to ensure the voice of Europe's aerospace, security, and defence industries is effectively represented in policy and rule-making processes.

Key areas of engagement

  1. European Defence Industrial Strategy (EDIS): ASD participates in consultations to influence the EDIS framework, aligning it with industry priorities. We provide input to DG DEFIS and other relevant bodies to shape policies that support the European Defence Technological and Industrial Base (EDTIB).
  2. European Defence Industry Programme (EDIP): ASD advocates for measures within EDIP that enhance joint procurement capabilities and bolster industrial capacity across Europe. We monitor developments and provide industry perspectives to inform the program's implementation.
  3. European Defence Fund (EDF) Interim Evaluation: ASD contributes to the ongoing evaluation of EDF, offering insights and recommendations to enhance its effectiveness and strategic alignment. We advocate for increased budgetary allocations in the upcoming Multiannual Financial Framework (MFF).
  4. Civil aviation and environmental initiatives: ASD collaborates with EASA and other bodies to inform civil aviation regulations concerning safety, cybersecurity, sustainable aviation fuels (SAF), and environmental standards. We actively participate in standardisation efforts through EUROCAE to ensure industry standards are robust and competitive.
  5. Civil aviation rule-making and certification: Active participation in EASA's Stakeholder Advisory Body enables ASD to contribute industry insights, particularly in technical airworthiness and cybersecurity. This collaboration ensures that regulatory frameworks, such as those governing aircraft certification, are practical, effective, and aligned with industry needs.
  6. REACH regulations: ASD's REACH & Chemicals Working Group engages with ECHA and other stakeholders to address challenges posed by REACH regulations on our industry. We advocate for sector-specific considerations to ensure sustainability and operational continuity, providing guidance to industry stakeholders on compliance obligations.
  7. Industry resilience and innovation: ASD advocates for streamlined procurement processes, increased investment in R&D, and infrastructure development to support manufacturing capabilities within Europe's aerospace and defence sectors.