• Resources


Climate change stands as a pivotal challenge for industries worldwide, requiring urgent action from industry, policymakers, and civil society. ASD is at the forefront of efforts by the aerospace, security and defence industries to respond to climate change, advocating for workable policies that support the decarbonisation of our sector. 

Advocacy for positive EU policies

By engaging with EU policymakers, ASD advocates for a regulatory environment that fosters innovation, supports sustainable practices, and drives the transition to a low-carbon economy. This is crucial for creating a stable and predictable policy framework that encourages companies to invest in decarbonisation efforts.

ASD calls on the EU and governments to support industry’s decarbonisation efforts by:  

  • Ensuring a level playing field, and creating fair and consistent policies that support sustainable practices.
  • Provide incentives and reduce risks for companies investing in decarbonisation technologies.
  • Stimulating the development and deployment of innovations through funding research programmes and promoting carbon removal technologies.
  • Developing collaboration with the energy sector, to ensure the availability of renewable energy at affordable costs.