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Decarbonisation & Net Zero

Climate change stands as a pivotal challenge for industries worldwide, requiring urgent action from industry, policymakers, and civil society. ASD is at the forefront of efforts by the aerospace, security and defence industries to respond to climate change, advocating for workable policies that support the decarbonisation of our sector. 

Advocacy for positive EU policies

By engaging with EU policymakers, ASD advocates for a regulatory environment that fosters innovation, supports sustainable practices, and drives the transition to a low-carbon economy. This is crucial for creating a stable and predictable policy framework that encourages companies to invest in decarbonisation efforts.

ASD calls on the EU and governments to support industry’s decarbonisation efforts by:  

  • Ensuring a level playing field, and creating fair and consistent policies that support sustainable practices.
  • Providing incentives and reducing risks for companies investing in decarbonisation technologies.
  • Stimulating the development and deployment of innovations through funding research programmes and promoting carbon removal technologies.
  • Developing collaboration with the energy sector, to ensure the availability of renewable energy at affordable costs.

Net-Zero Industry Act

The Net-Zero Industry Act is a groundbreaking EU legislative initiative designed to fast-track the decarbonisation of key industries. The Act aims to boost the EU’s net-zero industry by:

  • Innovating and scaling up: enhancing manufacturing capacity for net-zero technologies.
  • Streamlining market access: facilitating faster market entry for these technologies.
  • Supporting skill development: equipping the workforce with the necessary skills for net-zero industries.

ASD has advocated for the inclusion of pivotal decarbonisation technologies such as Sustainable Aviation Fuels (SAF), Carbon Capture, Utilisation, and Storage (CCUS), hydrogen, batteries, and electric propulsion within the Net-Zero Industry Act. This ensures that the unique decarbonisation challenges faced by the aviation and maritime sectors are acknowledged and addressed.

Key features of the Net-Zero Industry Act:

  • Extended scope: covers final products and supply chain components, ensuring a comprehensive approach to decarbonisation.
  • Faster permitting: accelerated permit-granting processes, with timelines of 18 months for projects over 1 gigawatt and 12 months for those under 1 gigawatt.
  • Funding access: technologies within the Act’s scope will gain access to the Strategic Technologies for Europe Platform (STEP).

Non-CO2 emissions in aviation

The aviation sector is also actively tackling the less understood but significant non-CO2 emissions, which also contribute to global warming. By collaborating with research institutions, universities, and key stakeholders, the industry is deepening its understanding and developing effective solution

ASD is engaging with the European Commission to develop a robust Monitoring, Reporting, and Verification (MRV) framework for non-CO2 emissions. By advocating for these measures, ASD aims to ensure that the MRV framework remains current with the latest advancements, delivering tailored solutions and maintaining the credibility and effectiveness of EU regulations on aviation non-CO2 emissions.

ASD is advocating for:

  • Data confidentiality: a governance model that maintains data confidentiality and involves industry actors in the monitoring and reporting process.
  • Open-access CO2 equivalence model: involving industry actors to define an open-access model for CO2 equivalence.
  • 4-D aircraft trajectory reporting: Considering ADSB data collection to minimise reporting burdens and improving data accuracy through ongoing research.
  • Humidity sensors: Supporting the development of reliable, accurate, and affordable humidity sensors for ambient humidity reporting.
  • High-altitude weather forecast models: Encouraging further research to enhance high-altitude weather forecasting by integrating better humidity data.
  • Phased MRV system implementation: Adopting a phased approach that recognises existing data collection, regularly reviews the MRV framework, and integrates the latest scientific research and R&D outcomes