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ASD is dedicated to helping empower companies in the aerospace and defence industries to bring products to market swiftly and efficiently. Through our extensive market intelligence network, we keep businesses informed about crucial policy developments and industry trends. Our work in harmonising global safety regulations simplifies market entry, while our development of industry standards and specifications enhances efficiency and interoperability. By working to reduce complexity and enhance interoperability, ASD helps ensures that innovative products developed by our industry reach the market faster.

Market intelligence

ASD is a central hub of market intelligence on the European aerospace and defence ecosystem – sharing information with regulators about developments in the industry; and keeping companies in the industry informed on emerging policies and regulations. We also leverage our extensive network for market intelligence relating to other trends and developments affecting the ecosystem.

Global safety certifications

ASD's involvement in harmonising safety regulations across countries reduces the complexity and time required for products to enter new markets.

Our work on global certifications helps speed the time to market for new products. By working closely with regulatory bodies and industry stakeholders, ASD ensures that safety certifications are not only comprehensive but also efficiently managed. This accelerates the introduction of innovative products, allowing companies to capitalise on market opportunities more swiftly.

Standards and S-Series specifications 

The standards and specifications developed and maintained by ASD enhance efficiency and interoperability, also facilitating time to market. Standards streamline processes, reduce complexity, and ensure seamless integration across different systems and platforms. 

Integrated product support

In the dynamic realm of aerospace and defence, ensuring the availability of complex technical systems at affordable costs is paramount. To address the evolving challenges of product support and sustainment, the international community led by ASD in Europe...
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