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Ensuring smooth, uninterrupted production is essential for maintaining the competitive edge of our industry. Here’s how we help.


ASD's work on standards helps foster collaboration across the industry, enabling companies to integrate their systems more effectively. This integration is vital for large-scale projects where multiple contractors and subcontractors are involved. By adhering to these standards, companies can ensure that their products are compatible with those of other manufacturers, reducing the risk of costly delays and rework.

ASD promotes the use of the S-series of specifications. The S-Series has grown from a European initiative to a global standard, with agreements expanding its influence to US and civil aviation sectors. In 2024, it gained further recognition through NATO’s ALP-10, potential US DoD adoption, and agreements with Japanese industry, highlighting its international aerospace and defence importance.

Global certifications for efficient production

ASD helps coordinate industry input on the development of global safety certifications that are instrumental in maintaining high safety standards, reducing production costs, and ensuring compliance with international regulations.

Streamlined certification processes reduce production timelines because a component or product produced in one country can be approved quickly in multiple countries, reducing time-to-market, and increasing global competitiveness.

Advocacy on EU regulations

We provide industry input on the evolution of EU regulations on chemicals and materials used in production. By informing the development of EU regulations, we aim to create a regulatory environment that minimises disruptions and allows companies to maintain high standards of safety and efficiency.

Promoting investment in supply security

Ensuring a stable supply of critical materials and components is crucial for uninterrupted production. ASD advocates for EU investment in securing these essential supplies, helping companies mitigate risks associated with supply chain disruptions.


ASD is dedicated to helping empower companies in the aerospace and defence industries to bring products to market swiftly and efficiently. Through our extensive market intelligence network, we keep businesses informed about crucial policy developments and...
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