Facts & Figures

Major trends in the industry in 2022

In 2022, the European aerospace and defence industry sustained its post-pandemic economic resurgence. Both the civil and defence sectors experienced robust growth, witnessing substantial increases in turnover and employment, surpassing pre-pandemic levels.

Commercial air travel continued on its path toward pre-pandemic travel volume in 2022, driving growth in the civil aviation space. Simultaneously, the war unleashed by Russia against Ukraine led to increased demand for defence products, driven by both support for Ukraine and a reassessment of defence preparedness in Europe with the aim of strengthening Europe’s own capacities.

The figures presented in this annual report demonstrate the ability to adapt and the resilience of the European aerospace and defence industries.

ASD President and CEO of Airbus, Guillaume Faury

Report highlights

On the following pages, we have collected the most important facts & figures for a number of key areas. For more details and sources, please download the full report.

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