Our Industry

Four industries, one industrial ecosystem

As European companies specialising in aerospace, security, and defence, we form an industry that connects and protects.

We create the products that enable the global mobility; and develop and supply the equipment that safeguards against internal and external threats.

Seemingly different things  – an  airplane, a submarine, and a satellite – are intricately connected, representing the work of a single industrial ecosystem. Technological advancements in one domain often lead to breakthroughs in others – for instance, our progress in making fighter jet engines more fuel efficient contributes to reducing carbon emissions in future civil aircraft.

Our products are not just interconnected operationally and technologically; they’re driven by a shared commitment – building a sustainable and safe Europe. By continuously pushing the boundaries of technology, we aspire to a future where innovation contributes to our collective well-being.

Key industry data

  • 46,000

    New jobs in 2022

  • 921,000

    Direct employees

  • 3.5 m

    Total employment supported

  • 9.8 %

    Turnover growth in 2022

About ASD

Why a single industrial ecosystem – and why is it important?

Our member companies form an industry that connects and protects. They manufacture the products which enable global mobility of people and goods. And they develop and supply equipment for those who protect us against internal and external threats. The products are not just intertwined in terms of operations and technologies; they’re driven by a shared commitment – creating a sustainable and safe Europe. Watch the video where our Secretary General explains.

Many of the cooperative pro­jects, innovations and next generation technologies and capabilities underway in the European aerospace and defence industrial ecosystem … will help drive scientific and technological progress and secure continued leadership for Europe as a whole.

Guillaume Faury

Get to know our industry

Learn more about each of the industries that make up our ecosystem

Value to society

Explore the diverse and significant contributions our industry makes to society, showcasing the far-reaching impact of our work. Value to society


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