
Protecting freedom

In the face of challenges such as the Russian war of aggression against Ukraine, the European defence industry plays a pivotal role in safeguarding our values and ensuring the security of our citizens. Our commitment is to a Europe that stands ready and able to defend, not just in times of crisis, but as a constant assurance of protection.

At the core of our armed forces' mission lies the defence of national territory and that of our allies against external threats. And the armed forces at the front line in responding to natural disasters, offering support in crises, both at home and abroad.

To effectively fulfil their role as protectors of our security, our armed forces must be equipped with cutting-edge technology. The European defence industry, through its technological innovation and expertise, develops, produces and maintains the equipment our armed forces use every day.

Through sustained innovation and ongoing investment, our industry actively contributes to securing a future where the foundations of peace, freedom, and citizen well-being in Europe are safeguarded.

Key data Defence

  • 135 bn

    European defence sector turnover

  • 516,000

    Number of jobs in the European defence industry

  • 10 %

    Increase in turnover

  • 52 bn

    Increase in military exports

Value to society

Explore the diverse and significant contributions our industry makes to society, showcasing the far-reaching impact of our work.

EU and NATO members must ramp up their defence production capacities. Industry is ready to play its part – but needs investment, firm orders and long-term visibility of future needs.

Burkard Schmitt, ASD Defence & Security Director

ASD initiatives

Key focus areas for our daily work as the voice for the defence industry in Europe.

Latest defence industry news
