STE Management Group
ASD-STE100 is maintained by the Simplified Technical English Maintenance Group (STEMG), a working group of ASD.
The STEMG was originally formed in 1983 as a working group to develop AECMA Simplified English and subsequently, in 2004, when ASD was created, the group changed its name to the STEMG.

What are STE Support Teams?
STE national and multi-national Support Teams (STEST) are led by national coordinators of the STEMG. They include STEMG participants, as well as individual experts from companies or organizations that are involved in technical communication, such as airlines, military or governmental organizations, academic institutions, individual STE experts, and software companies that support STE. The STESTs have the purpose of providing input and contribution for the continuous improvement of the standard.
Each team has a balance of engineering and linguistic expertise. Participants belong to a wide range of industries and sectors, and they are well-versed in the contents of the STE standard. Multi-national Support Teams also have an STE Ambassador for each country.