Disaster relief & rescue missions

Saving lives through innovation

In moments of distress, when disaster strikes unexpectedly, technology and equipment provided by the European aerospace, defence, and security industries plays a crucial role in saving lives.

Picture yourself on a whale-watching boat near the Azores, caught in a sudden storm with towering waves, or in a French village flooded within minutes, seeking refuge on a rooftop. These scenarios could happen to anyone, and innovative technology from the European security industry significantly increases the chances of being found and rescued, even in the most dire circumstances.

Cutting-edge technology in search and rescue

Search and rescue missions demand resilient and state-of-the-art technological solutions that can operate under extreme conditions such as severe weather, darkness, high altitude, or heavy swell. Modern helicopters, reaching emergency scenes three to five times faster than ground vehicles, are often the only option for difficult-to-access terrain.

Crucially, European manufacturers have developed groundbreaking technology, the Mobile Phone Detection and Location System (MPDLS) that turns every mobile phone into a rescue beacon, enabling search and rescue helicopter crews to quickly pinpoint stranded people, potentially making the difference between life and death.

Enhanced camera systems, night vision goggles, thermographic solutions, and new-generation remotely operated rescue craft further demonstrate the commitment of the European aerospace, defence, and security industries to saving lives through innovation.

The commitment of our member companies to research and development programmes shows their dedication to continually improving the technology used to save lives.

Communication and navigation

Successful rescue missions hinge on effective communication. European manufacturers have been at the forefront of developing technology that allows operators to track team members in real time, making rescue missions safer and faster.

Space applications like Europe's Global Navigation Satellite System, Galileo, play a pivotal role in tracking distress signals. The SAR/Galileo service, launched in 2016 as part of Galileo Initial Services, relays radio beacon distress signals to search and rescue crews by Galileo satellites, supported by three ground stations strategically positioned across Europe. Since 2020, the SAR/Galileo Return Link Service (RLS) provides an automatic acknowledgement message back to the user informing them that their request for help has been received. 

The European Security Industry

The European security industry has the expertise to collaborate with policymakers and practitioners on technological solutions to modern security challenges.
About the industry

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