Future-facing careers

Skills for innovation

The aerospace, security, and defence industries in Europe are at the forefront of driving innovation, creating highly skilled job opportunities, and contributing to Europe's economy, security, and technological advancement. 

The European Aerospace and Defence industry directly employed 942,000 across 30 European countries in 2021. Many of these are highly skilled professionals such as engineers, IT experts, data scientist or technicians. This not only creates well-paid employment across Europe but also helps to maintain and enhance expertise, knowledge and competences in Europe which are indispensable in a world economy where tremendous digital, ecological and security shifts are about to unfold in the coming decades.  

Key industry data

  • 46,000

    New jobs in 2022

  • 921,000

    Direct employees

  • 3.5 m

    Total employment supported

  • 9.8 %

    Turnover growth in 2022

About ASD

The aerospace, security, and defence industries in Europe are at the forefront of driving innovation. Through their continuous investment in R&D (more than €23.2 bn in 2022), these industries push the boundaries of knowledge, fostering breakthrough advancements in areas such as materials science, propulsion systems, artificial intelligence, and cybersecurity. This commitment to innovation not only benefits the industries themselves but also drives progress across interconnected sectors, spurring economic growth and creating highly skilled job opportunities for the workforce.

Our industry helps to maintain and enhance expertise, knowledge and competences in Europe which are indispensable ... where tremendous digital, ecological and security shifts are about to unfold in the coming decades

Jan Pie

A strategic sector

Europe's aerospace, security, and defence industries are a key pillar for Europe’s economic and political sovereignty. By maintaining leadership in the design, production, and provision of critical services, Europe reduces reliance on external sources for its industrial capabilities. This strategic autonomy not only strengthens European security but also enhances the continent's geopolitical standing and promotes self-reliance in times of crisis or geopolitical uncertainties. 

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4 intertwined industries

Many of our companies are active in several or all industrial areas that ASD represents. And they are all driven by the same aspiration: to enable a sustainable and safe Europe today and in the future by continuously pushing the boundaries of technology further. This ambition requires a constant influx of skilled people.
Learn more about our industrial ecosystem

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