Future-facing careers
Skills for innovation
The aerospace, security and defence industry is where extraordinary careers intersect with cutting-edge technologies. The industry offers dynamic and rewarding technical careers that directly impact society.
Future-facing careers in the European aerospace, security and defence industry are not only rewarding for the individuals, but also beneficial for society. The industry employs nearly a million people directly, and supports more than three times as many jobs that are created or influenced by its activities indirectly. The industry also pays well above the average wage – direct employees within the industry are generally highly skilled and well compensated, with an average income in 2021 of €56,000. This is 43% higher than the average wage across Europe, reflecting the high skills and technical expertise required for these roles.
Our industry is vital for Europe’s future. Technologies developed in our industry benefit other sectors, boosting Europe’s economy and creating high-quality jobs. Our solutions also make Europe smarter, safer, and stronger.

Key industry data 2022
- 921,000
People directly employed in the European aerospace & defence industries
- 3.5 m
Jobs supported by the European aerospace & defence industries
- 46,000
New jobs created in 2022
- 260.5 bn
Total turnover in 2022
Want to work in the aerospace, security and defence industry?
Whether you are interested in designing, building, testing, or operating aircraft, spacecraft, satellites, missiles, radars, sensors, cyber systems, or other complex systems, you will find a huge range of opportunities to apply your skills and creativity in the aerospace, security and defence industry.
You will also be part of a diverse and inclusive community of professionals who share a passion for innovation and excellence, and who contribute to the economic and social development of their countries and regions.
Get inspired
- BAE Systems to hire nearly 3,000 apprentices and graduates in 2024BAE Systems, ASD member and defence industry giant, announced it is hiring 2,700 apprentices and graduates for 2024
- How Assets+ can boost your skills in new defence technologiesFind out about Europe’s programme to elevate skills in robotics, AI, autonomous systems and cyber security – Asset+!
- Dreaming of a career in space?The European Space Agency (ESA) offers resources to support your journey, including the Young Graduate Trainee programme and student internships.
- Elevate (her) aviation: bridging the gender gapLearn more about this UK initiative supporting women in aviation through education, inspiration, and connection.

Economic Impact Report 2022
The European aerospace and defence industry is a significant employer, directly employing almost one million people 942,000 people in 2021. Moreover, the total employment supported by the industry was 3.57 million people, including direct, indirect and induced employment. In other words: each direct job within the European aerospace and defence industry generates a further 2.8 supporting jobs.