Space observation
Discover how Europe’s space industry, with Galileo, Copernicus, and EGNOS, is leading in Earth observation and navigation, providing precise and reliable data to billions worldwide.
The European space industry has developed Galileo, Copernicus and EGNOS which have made Europe a global leader in Earth observation and navigation. Copernicus is the largest provider of free and open Earth observation data in the world. Galileo is currently the world’s most precise satnav system, offering metre-scale accuracy to more than two billion users around the globe. And EGNOS is the world’s most advanced satellite-based augmentation systems (SBAS), offering unprecedented and guaranteed position accuracy, not only to the aviation sector but also to other transport and agricultural sectors.

Get inspired
- Europe’s Galileo: a navigation revolutionDiscover Galileo, Europe’s revolutionary satellite navigation system. With unprecedented accuracy, it is enhancing the devices and services we use everyday and shaping a safer future
- Copernicus and climate-smart agricultureExplore how the EU’s Copernicus programme is transforming agriculture with climate-smart solutions. Learn about its impact on irrigation management in Austria and the cost-efficiency of Sentinel data integration.
- How Copernicus is unveiling the impact of war on Ukrainian agricultureExplore how Copernicus satellite data in assessing the impact of war on Ukrainian agriculture